Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Isaiah 64:1-9

Just past the corner of 5oth Street and 5th Avenue, a few blocks from where the brightly lit Christmas tree at the Rockfeller Center in New York City stands, is the same street vendor selling those unforgettable chestnuts roasted-on-an-open-fire.  He arrives early in December.  I greet him by saying, "It's been a year, my friend!"  and he says, "Happy Holidays to you, my Friends!  The best chestnuts in the world for you!  How many bag you want?"  I always buy two bags of those unforgettable, wonderfully delightful, half opened, slightly browned, crackling hot chestnuts that dance from one hand to the other. 

The sound of Advent is bustling peoples from all over, gathering and speaking--like the sound of heaven rending (v.1). It's being reminded that "we are all God's people" (v.9)

The sight of Advent is people of all ages, smiling and laughing, holding shiny, leather-gloved hands over their fire-hot, crackling treasure (v.s), like the clasped hands of the potter (v.8)  But at the center of it all is a name, a friend, our God who (vs. 3-4,7) joyfully greets us.

Gracious God, as this Advent begins, may I be reminded that we are all yourpeople.  I eagerly await the glow in my life, as I prepare for the giving of ourLord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

John Ahn
Assistant Professor of Old Testament


courtney said...

John,I subscribed today and am happy to have this much welcomed e mail arriving regularly to keep me focused on Christ.
Blessings to you friend.
I am enjoying the book and will return it soon.

John Arnold said...

Glad you are enjoying both the book and the devotional. You can pass the devotional onto a friend by clicking on the small icon of an envelope with an arrow. It might be a nice advent gift. Peace, John Arnold, The Practical Disciple.